Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birhtday Elyse

3 days late for the actual Birthday. It was the same for Elyse we could have family come over luckily fo us we have a big family. We had yet another BBQ but this time we had some bounce houses up and they played their guts out and that started around 3 until about 8 (long time but they slept good).

What we love about Elyse
-so carefree
-willing to share everything she has (even her new scooter)
-loves to spend time with people, mostly older ones, her best friend is Ashley next door who is in her twenties
-has the cutest laugh
-loves to play games with her siblings
-is always willing to make the cookie dough
-life is always good with her

the day started out with some fishing for the first time and they loved it!!!!!


then the bounce house


and of course the cake


and then the present of which they have all enjoyed


and I love that she is picking her nose she new that I was taking her picture.

1 comment:

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...


You guys seriously have the cutest kids!

And if Elyse's laugh is anything like your, I bet it is cute! I remember you had the cutest, a probably most contagious, laugh!